Sunday, December 27, 2015

Goodnight Mommy (Austria, 2014)

Nine Things About the Film Goodnight Mommy

1.  It's hard to adequately describe what this movie is. Technically, it's a horror movie. But a quiet one. Quiet and cruel.

2. It's got a creepy beginning - two twin brothers greet their mother, who has just gotten home from the hospital. She had facial surgery, and her head is completely wrapped up. Immediately, she begins acting differently from how she was before the surgery. She becomes more bizarre and abusive, and the boys suspect that the woman they live with isn't really their mother.

3. It's impossible to predict where the movie is going, because all three characters lose the ability to act or think rationally, so you have no consistent thread to hold onto.

5. Writer/directors Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala really know how to tell this story, dangling clues in front of you while making you more tense and confused.

6. This is not an exciting, scream-filled movie of blood and body counts. There really isn't even anything to make you jump. This is a slow, insidious horror that builds up inside you until you want to turn your head away, but you can't.

7. If you are bothered by depictions of families that are, um, mean to each other. then you can move along and watch something else.

8. Most of the movie takes place in one house with the three characters. All three actors have a twisted charisma that is used to full effect.

9. This movie won't be to everybody's liking. But it's going to haunt me more than any other film I've seen this year.

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